You are warmly invited to join our new online learning platform of learners and experts from around the globe. Since as far back as the 7th century, Tibetan Medicine has been integrating the essence of all available health and wellness knowledge. We continue this tradition here today where you will discover knowledge and practices from Tibetan culture and the four corners of the world including mindfulness, yoga, eastern medicine, holistic health, and more.
The word for medicine in Tibetan is pronounced men. The literal translation of men is to benefit. With this foundation, it is considered that the most important qualification for anyone practicing medicine is compassion. In this spirit, we hold this space, a place for compassion in action where we can individually and collectively evolve our body, energy, and mind for the benefit of all.
Whether you are a long time supporter of Shang Shung Institute or this is your first time meeting us, we want to thank you from the center of our hearts. Without our community of learners, practitioners, and friends, we wouldn't be able to manifest this special opportunity to continue to learn together. We look forward to the many joyful connections we cultivate together.